Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shanti Presence Jewelry Now Offered on a Pay What You Can Basis!

I'm very pleased to announce Shanti Presence jewelry will be offered on a Pay What You Can basis!

I've always struggled with pricing. I wanted to charge a price that felt good in my heart, and I wanted to charge a price that felt good to you. I didn't want money to get in the way of my craft. I make my mala beads from the heart - and I'm not suggesting that other people do not create from their heart - but for me, in order to continue to be genuine and follow the path of my heart, something had to change.

I consider this part of my Karma Yoga practice. A rebellious yogi isn't afraid to go against the norm. She isn't afraid to do what her heart says to do. A spiritual rockstar heeds her intuition. And my intuition told me to let go of pricing. That voice has been there for a while, but I've finally started to listen to it. I'm breathing easier just typing this. The freedom is so nourishing.

So how will it work?

The prices in the shop are merely suggested prices. You can pay more, you can pay less. There will be a minimum price listed, which means an offer cannot be made below that price. I set a minimum price so I am able to cover the cost of materials, and be able to continue to offer the pieces on a pay what you can basis. Minimum prices will be listed in the description of the item. To make an offer, simply send a message to me on etsy and let me know the price you wish to pay.

Basically, just pay what feels good to you. I am happy if you're happy.

A percentage of the money received will be going to charity as well. I plan to donate to one charity a month.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Namaste :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weekend Bracelet Sale!

Hello Yogis! Instead of doing my usual deal of the day, I thought I'd do a bigger sale instead. There are quite a few bracelets in the shop that are still looking for a good home. Please use the code BRA25 at checkout to receive 25% off any bracelet/ wrist mala, including bracelet stacks! Offer ends 5/10/13.

Click here to visit the shop!

Have a fantastic weekend!

~ Shanti.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to enhance your yoga practice with Laughter {Rebellious Yoga Tip}

Happy Saturday Yogis! I'm happy to be back with another Rebellious Yoga tip.

This week's Tip:

It's a widely known fact that "laughter is the best medicine". Yoga can be a very serious practice sometimes, and it should be. Yoga should be taken seriously for saftey reasons, and consistent practice leads to a healthier mind, body, and spirit.

On the flip side, yoga should still be FUN! It's still a space where we can be creative and  be our true selves. I don't believe I'm the only one who has an extremely silly side.

How to Laugh during yoga:

1. Make Funny Noises
As you move your body, let your vocal cords get some exercise too! Make any sound that comes up. Animal sounds are a quick way to get the laughter flowing.
2. Dance
Mix in some of your favorite dance moves with your favorite asanas. A dance party yoga session is a fantastic way to laugh and release tension.
3. Try new things.
Don't be afraid to try new poses! (Safely of course) If you fall out of the pose, or if you look really silly, laugh it off! Thank yourself for trying. And if you succeed at this new pose, be sure to congratulate yourself with a silly dance jig ;)


Remember: Rebellious Yogis are not afraid to laugh at themselves, and laugh at LIFE! 


Surrender is about unfolding and letting go. Keeping things soft and serious isn't the only way to do that. We must unravel in many different ways in order to connect to the divine within.

What is your yoga practice like? Is it stiff and rigid? Or do you make time for laughter as well?

I hope there is much joy and laughter in store for you this weekend.

~ Shanti.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mantra Meditation and Pregnancy - Manifesting the Powers of Ganesh.

I still can't believe this journey is almost over. Yes, a new one is beginning, but this precious time has passed so quickly. 

I've learned so many things with this pregnancy- yoga played a VERY big part in keeping me as calm as possible, using the breath to connect with my little one, and it helped me sort of prepare myself to let go, and let things be. Skills I will definitely be carrying with me to the birth. 

Now, in my last month, I use mantra meditation to help pave the way for my little one to make it's transition into this world. 

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha. 

This Mantra calls upon Ganesha - a deity in the Hindu religion, to help remove all obstacles.  Obstacles to me aren't things like birth complications, or painful labor - naturally I don't want any of those things to happen. 

As I chant this mantra, I think of the obstacles I put in my own way. Doubts that have been placed in my head by others and myself due to my own fears. I chant this mantra to clear the cobwebs of my mind, so nothing but pure Love can flow through. And Love can flow through even if something goes wrong, or if the labor is tougher than I imagine.  I use this energy to help me remember that no matter what, everything is going as planned. No matter what, we will do the best we can. No matter what, everything will be okay. No matter what we are always protected and surrounded by our guides and angels. 

 I chant this mantra to welcome our new baby into the world. To help its travel be as safe as possible. To help pave the way for his/her's new beginning. I feel so connected to my baby right now. I can feel our energies dancing with one another. Mantra practice always intensifies this feeling for me. I know the baby can feel what is being manifested, and I am reminded that this energy ripples out into the entire universe. All beings benefit from the merits of our practice. That's pretty amazing. 

I will be chanting this mantra everyday until the baby comes. I would love to continue after (s)he arrives, but I give myself permission to put it aside if/when things become too hectic. Perhaps at that time we'll change to a more soothing, nurturing mantra. Who knows. We'll just see where the heart takes us.

Do you have a mantra practice? How does mantra meditation help you in your life?  How has yoga helped you overcome obstacles? 

~ Shanti .

P.S. Since we've been so busy preparing for baby, I am offering 15% off your purchase when you use the code MAY15 as an extra special thank you for being so patient with me. Keep up with me on facebook to be notified of when new items are put in the shop! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mantra of the Week: Alive!

A L I V E 

This is a mantra of gratitude. 
Contemplate what this word means.
Contemplate what it means to you.
If you're having a tough day, 
Remember what a blessing it is just to be here. 

To be Alive is truly a gift.

Namaste :)  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 important tools you need to jumpstart your meditation practice :: Meditation 101


If you're just starting to wiggle into meditation, learning about all the different types can be pretty overwhelming. How do you know what your type is? Is there any "right" meditation technique?

Developing a meditation practice does not have to be hard! I have a few tips to help you get started. 

You will need: 

1. A nose.
2. A comfy seat.
3. A soft smile.
4. A timer.
5. A grateful heart.

Set your timer for one minute. Okay, now, with your eyes closed, breath into your nose, then exhale through your nose.

Can't stop squirming? That's okay. Can't stop thinking? That's okay. Can't stop peeking at the timer? That's okay.

Remember that soft smile I said you needed? Why don't you use that now. Thank yourself for creating stillness.

Meditation can be as simple, or as complicated as we make it. We don't need to know everything to begin. What is important is that we learn to cultivate the space for stillness. We can learn as we go. We just need to be okay with whatever happens, and no matter what, be thankful to ourselves for trying. I believe those things are key to whatever type of meditation suits us.

I hope these tips were helpful. Have any questions about meditation? Leave it in the comments or send me an email, and maybe I can make a blog post about it!

Have fun breathing. Namaste :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Year 2: A Letter of Gratitude.

Last Thursday Shanti Presence turned 2 years old! This has been an incredible journey. I've put in many hours of sweat and tears, and many hours of laughter and joy. This has been such an amazing journey, yet I still have so much to learn.

I started Shanti Presence with an intention. That intention was to share my Love with others. To create mala beads that resonated with each person's spirit in a nourishing way. That's still my goal today, and I hope that each person feels the love and positive energy put into each piece.

I've had the opportunity to make many custom gifts for some wonderful yogis. Some just completing teacher training, some who wanted to give a gift of thanks to their teachers, people who needed a little extra something to remind them of what's special in their lives. I've made mala beads for a women's retreat which was pretty surreal.

I look back to where we began to now and I'm very proud of how much this space has grown. I know the growing isn't over though. I'm never going to stop learning, never going to stop trying new things, taking positive criticism, rebuilding- we're just going to keep growing bigger and brighter!

And it's all because of you.

I hope in the future you'll see Shanti Presence at yoga festivals, or even in your local studio maybe. But I still cherish the connection I get to make with you all on a daily basis. Truly nourishing to the spirit.
So thank you for being here. Thank you for contributing to me being able to share my dream with you. We have to step forth and put our dreams in motion, but we really wouldn't be able to do that if we didn't have such brilliant people (like you!) in our lives.

<3 Namaste :)

p.s. The best "birthday gift" you could give Shanti Presence is to share the shop with your friends and family. If you enjoy my work, please spread the word! Thank You <3